The Platform’s Leadership and Governance Structure
The leadership and governance structure takes advantage of the existing civil society structures in the country, such as the existence of regional civil society networks, and thematic civil society networks.
The platform’s leadership and structure is in four main layers:
- Assembly (Members)
- Steering Committee
- Fiduciary Agent and Secretariat
- Thematic Working Groups

Assembly & People Panel
Made up of all participating organisations. Main decision-making body through in-person Assemblies or online 'People Panel'.

Steering Committee
National level. Work with Regional civil society networks and the national coordinating platform/ secretariat, and established working groups. Light touch steer and guidance.

Coordinating Platform/ Secretariat
Facilitating connections and flow of information, building and maintaining momentum at sub-national level, and relationships with stakeholders, national platforms in other countries, regional and global initiatives on sustainabl development.

Working Groups
Develop and deliver specific activities (e.g. issue-, constituency- or geography focused). All are open to all participating members.
1. Assembly (Members)
The Assembly is the main decision making body of the platform. It’s open to all members to attend and will provide a space for inclusive dialogue.
It strengthens national civil society by facilitating exchange of best practice and linking sub-national organizations and initiatives. It provides more than information sharing, providing a space with equality of access to deepen collaboration and solidarity between local, national and international civil society and other stakeholders operating in Tanzania.
2. Steering Committee
The Steering Committee performs a predominantly advisory role to the Coordinating Platform/ Secretariat, as well as the Working Groups – providing light touch steer to connect initiative and ensure strategies stay on track. They operate closely with partners at the sub-national level. The Steering Group seeks to facilitate and support the wider platform.
3. Coordinating Platform/Secretariat
Acts as the fiscal agent and to provide logistical support to the platform, facilitate flow of information and support member organizations and other governance elements in the effective implementation/coordination of the platform. It facilitates the coalition at sub-national and regional levels, and builds and maintains its momentum.
4. Thematic Working Groups
Working Groups develops and deliver specific activities over the life of the platform at the global, regional and national level, whether it is to deliver and coordinate on specific objectives of the platform (the monitoring of goal implementation; advocating for the full, successful and accountable implementation, etc.) or across more defined grouping areas including expert areas (communications, media, Assembly logistics, etc.), thematic areas, representing constituencies (gender, faith, youth, disability, etc.) or geographies, or any combination.